Investing in your routine skin check-up today could save you much more money on complex skin cancer treatments in the future, prevent worse health outcomes for you, and even save your life.

The cooler temperatures in winter lure some people into a false sense of safety, yet skin cancers are still prevalent no matter the season.

Total body photography involves using our revolutionary state-of-the-art FotoFinder skin imaging system to take a series of hi-res digital images of your entire skin surface.

What time of year can you get skin cancer?

Do you believe the myth that skin cancer is a “summer problem”? As winter approaches and temperatures begin to drop around Australia, don’t put away your sunscreen or hang up your sun hat just yet.

With total body photography, we find more melanomas and we find them earlier. Let’s look at why patients in certain risk groups should receive regular total body photography as part of their skin cancer screening, and how the advanced technology might help you.

With summer approaching, it is important to remember that exposure to the sun can seriously harm your skin, with as little as ten minutes of sun being enough to cause skin ageing and potentially deadly skin cancers.